We've been working on a complete recolour of the entirety of Off the Dial, and we can safely say, it's finally time to unveil the curtains. New colours, new assets and a new website update! We've been planning this change for several months now, and it's finally ready to go live.
Blue is the new orange
The first thing to note is the colour palette. Originally we used completely yellows and oranges. Our new colour palette is very different. We have blues, greens and pinks. We worked very hard on the new colour pallete, I hope you like it!

New Website Update?
We didn't forget about our website, as part of the redesign, we have also completely redesigned the website. Not only did we recolour the website, the website has undergone a complete change in layout and design as well. Huge thanks to @LeptoFlare for working so hard on the website.
New Assets?
That's right! Not only did we change our colour palette, our logos, banners and such have also been completely redesigned. The brand new assets have also been updated on the Assets Repository.
There have been several different points where we hinted at something huge coming to Off the Dial and this is it! Huge thanks to @L1ttl3R3d for doing all of the graphics and designs. I couldn't have done it without you! ❤️
Redesign features to come!
Don't think we're stopping here, there's still plenty more to come! Two features that are we've got planned are signup on the Off the Dial website as well as a brand new prizing system. More information will be released when we're closer to releasing these.
It's not over Till It's Over
Thanks for reading until the end. It's been an incredible journey with Off the Dial and I'm stoked to show you all what we've been working for the last few months, and what we've got planned in store next.
I'd particularly like to thank @L1ttl3R3d and @LeptoFlare. @L1ttl3R3d has designed all the assets for the entire Off the Dial redesign, and they blow me away every time. I can't wait to start using it regularly.
I also want to mention @LeptoFlare, he's helped out so much, and definitely made Off the Dial what it is today. With all of his work on the website and the bot, it's incredible to see all of it come together to provide you guys with the experience you get to have.
Thank you all so much for being a part of Off the Dial, it's so amazing to see how many of you that get involved and excited for what we do. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Off the Dial.
Stay Tuned!