
Our custom-made bot that assists with tournament management and other things also.


One of the main purposes of the bot is to automate tedious tournament managing tasks, such as...

  • Automatically synchronizing the Signed Up! role with those that have signed up.
  • View profile and signup data for a user.
  • Generate an alliterative team name for every single team.
  • Generate a maplist with the right amount of rounds and games, given a map pool.
  • Quickly remove and substitute competitors.
  • Distribute Signal Strength properly to all competitors.
  • Export all signups with both site and data.

That's not all however, Off the Dial bot can also...

  • Search through questions on the FAQ with $faq
  • Embed sections of the rules for easy reference with $rules.
  • Allow users to give themselves the @LF: role with $lf.
  • Generate minesweepers with $minesweeper!


To view all avaliable commands, type $help in the #bot-commands channel. You can also append the name of any command for more detailed help.

All directions are in the embed, to navigate the commands, simply read the bot message! If you're still stuck, you can ask for help in #helpdesk.


This bot is open-sourced on Github.

If you have a suggestion/bug report for Off the Dial Bot, we'd love it if you made a Github Issue. This lets us track all of the suggestions and reports permanently in one place, as opposed to the #suggestions channel, where the messages can get easily lost.