We get asked a lot of questions, remember to read the FAQ before asking in helpdesk to make sure your question hasn't already been answered!

It’s Dangerous to go Alone

What is It's Dangerous to go Alone (IDTGA)?

It's Dangerous to go Alone (or IDTGA for short), is our flagship, solo registration tournament! Focused on creating balanced teams, and being accessible to everyone.

Players sign up individually, you aren't allowed to sign up as an entire team. Players are all assigned a team based on the information provided in the registration form. Then, teams are given 48 hours to practice before the tournament!

Who is allowed to play? (Is there a skill floor/cap?) (What if I'm already on a team?)

The goal of IDTGA is allow anyone to be able to experience a tournament regardless of whether they have a team or not, there is no skill floor or skill cap, anyone is allowed to enter.

Even if you do have a team, you and your teammates can still play! Just don't expect to end up on the same team.

Are there any banned weapons, gear or specials?

No, all weapons and gear are allowed, including Splattercolor Screen and Splatfest Tees

If a player requests their opponent to not use the Splattercolour Screen, it will be encouraged that the opponent accepts, however it will not be enforced by the TOs and is up to the discretion of the opposing team.

Why are there multiple brackets?

In order to ensure that the skill gap between players on a given team aren't too far apart, we divide players into multiple brackets based on skill level before teams are created, so that your teammates are fairly close to your skill range.

For example, if there were two brackets, the top ranking 50% of players will be placed in the higher bracket, and the lower 50% in the lower bracket.

This is similar to the 'alpha' and 'beta' brackets you may see in other large tournaments, but our brackets are split based on the relative skill of players in the tournament instead of LUTI divisions.

The skill brackets are, in order of highest skill to lowest skill: Master, Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Note that depending on the number of signups, not all brackets will be used. A new bracket is added approximately every 12 teams.

How do skill brackets correspond to LUTI divisions?

They don't apply, the purpose of skill brackets is simply to ensure that skill gaps between players aren't too far apart. They are not designed to determine a player's absolute skill level in the competitive scene.

What do I do if there's lag?

If there's are complaints about lag from at least 3 people on the same team or 1 person from each team, teams are required to switch hosts to someone on the opposing team.

Note that with Splatoon 3, it has been noted that some lag is normal, and may not be based on the host so please keep this in mind.

How does Swiss work?

A Swiss bracket is where you are matched up with players with a similar win loss ratio. There is no elimination until all rounds are completed. For more information, and to see how many rounds there will be, see this page.

How are the Swiss rankings determined?

Swiss rankings are determined by the following

  1. Points
  • 3 points per round win
  • 1 point per bye
  1. Opponent Match Win Percentage
  2. Game Win Percentage
  3. Opponent Game Win Percentage
  4. Fewer amount of dropouts
  5. Total in-game points accured over all games.
  6. Entry Seed Number

More information can be found here

How are teams balanced?

Teams are balanced based on everything you enter in the signup form. Including your ranks, weapon pool and previous competitive experience.

I’ve just finished a season of IDTGA, what do I do now?

Congrats! We hope you had fun! If you didn't make top cut, you can still watch the rest of the tournament on Twitch!

If you have any feedback on how we can improve the tournament in the future, please let us know at otd.ink/feedback.


What is my 'Signal Strength'?

Consider it like an XP bar for your involvement with Off the Dial. You earn 100 points for each tournament you participate in, and can earn up to 100 more depending on your placement.

There's also roles for @Signal Strength: 1000+ and @Signal Strength: 5000+ if you want a meaningless amount of pointless clout, good luck!

Who (and what) are the All Stars?

The All Stars includes anyone who has over 1000 Signal Strength. If you're an All Star, you're automatically invited into the IDTGA All Stars Inivitational!

Why organization spelled with an 's'?

This is an international server, some of us are part of Australia and EU, which spell certain words slightly differently, namely 'organisation'.

Are tournaments streamed?

Yes, one match from each round in the highest skill bracket will be streamed. There will be a five-minute break before top cut.

How are disputes/issues resolved?

When in doubt, use #helpdesk. Optionally, you can use #tourney-helpdesk for tournament-related questions.

During the tournament, if there is a match dispute or any conflict, please use the "Call a Moderator" feature on start.gg.

You may also DM either Head Organiser about it.

I need help using start.gg, where can I get it?

If no staff is able to answer your question in #helpdesk, you can contact start.gg directly on their website or using their discord.

Am I allowed to scrim other teams competing in the tournament?

We're completely fine with you setting up scrims with other competing teams. Just remember to be respectful!

Weakest Link is a tournament where three experienced players team up with one inexperienced solo player. These teams are assigned by Off the Dial and have one week to practice. We don't plan on having another Weakest Link in the near future, but we'll see.

I've heard some rumours about an Off the Dial Story Mode. What is this?

The Off the Dial Story Mode was a story driven, ARG tournament with the results impacting the next chapter of the story. It requires several months of planning and preparation, and we don't see ourselves doing this again in the near future.